Disaster! In Serbia, Danijela is nearly out of kibble to feed the dogs at her shelter and those she cares for in the streets: they are going to starve!
287,300 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
Minou is a four-month-old kitten, who lives outdoors and battles the cold and damp everyday. The poor creature has no place to go and has never experienced the warmth of a loving home...
Weakened and vulnerable, Minou has caught a very contagious disease common among street cats. Because of cat flu, his eyes are runny and he sneezes, as his nose is completely blocked. As a result, his appetite is poor and he is not gaining weight at a normal rate. One of his eyes is so badly damaged that it might need to be removed...
Blankets would provide vital protection for Minou against the cold. By helping him maintain his body heat, they would prevent possible hypothermia.
This would also afford him the comfort of a cosy place to rest, aiding in restorative sleep. As such, he would be better equipped to fight off his illness effectively.
We are dealing with a constant influx of kittens, many of which are unfortunately ill, requiring intensive and constant care.
Feeding about thirty animals in total represents a significant logistical and financial challenge for our association. Every day, we strive to meet their needs while managing these difficulties!