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Canned food for Dolly

Heartworm, multiple tumours: poor Dolly is in ill health...
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Canned food for Dolly
Heartworm, multiple tumours: poor Dolly is in ill health...

132 cans

132 cans

Heartworm, multiple tumours: poor Dolly is in ill health...

1. She suffers from cardiac after-effects of a parasitic illness…

Dolly is a 16-year-old dog, that has spent her life in Serbia. When she came to us, she had heartworm. Numerous worms inhabited her heart, to such an extent that she almost didn't survive!

We managed to rid her of these parasites with various treatments, but she still copes with significant heart problems. She easily gets breathless and coughs…

2. She has had multiple tumours!

Upon her arrival, Dolly was covered in tumours. She still bears one on her neck, which would be too risky to surgically remove considering her age…

3. Canned food would help her regain her strength

The soft and wet texture of canned food would make it easier for Dolly to ingest than dry kibble. It would provide her with an opportunity to take in more vitamins and regain a bit more energy daily, despite her illnesses.

4. The year ends as badly as it began…

As this year draws to a close, our difficulties continue to accumulate: successive bouts of cold weather, a shortfall in donations, almost useless supermarket drives... it's reached such a stage that we don't even know if we'll be able to continue!

Yet we must persist, as we have taken in new animals from other organisations that have closed their doors. We can't let down the 97 dogs who rely on us!

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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