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Canned food for Guizmo

Chronic bronchitis, heart trouble: with his health problems, Guizmo struggles a lot to eat!
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Canned food for Guizmo
Chronic bronchitis, heart trouble: with his health problems, Guizmo struggles a lot to eat!

132 cans

132 cans

Chronic bronchitis, heart trouble: with his health problems, Guizmo struggles a lot to eat!

1. He is suffering from chronic bronchitis...

Guizmo is a 15-year-old dog whom we took in following the death of his owner. Because of a persistent bronchitis, his lungs are heavily congested.

2. He has heart problems!

Guizmo has a heart condition. He's therefore easily winded and tired. Running, taking walks... even eating has become a struggle for him!

3. Canned food would help him retain energy

The soft, tempting, and moist texture of canned food would allow Guizmo to eat without excessive difficulty. Such high-quality and balanced food would help him eat regularly, while sparing his weakened cardiovascular system.

4. The year is ending as poorly as it started...

As this year comes to an end, our difficulties are mounting: successive cold snaps, a shortage of donations, almost futile drives for donations... We're at such a point where we don't know if we can go on!

Regardless, we must continue because we have welcomed new animals from other associations that have closed their doors. We cannot abandon the 97 dogs who need us!

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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