Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/04/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Angelo

Little Angelo already has significant growth delay...
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Canned food for Angelo
Little Angelo already has significant growth delay...

288 cans

288 cans

Little Angelo already has significant growth delay...

1. He's not growing at a normal rate...

Angelo is a two and a half-month-old kitten we found outside, all alone. He was left to his own devices, at an age where he would not be able to find food by himself! So, we fed him with a syringe and placed him in a foster home.

2. Canned food could help him catch up

The soft and moist texture of canned food would allow Angelo to eat easily, even though his teeth are not fully developed yet.

Having access to food rich in proteins and essential nutrients would help keep him healthy. Having such a nutrient-rich diet daily would also stimulate his growth.

3. No fewer than 190 tomcats need our help!

Our charity is currently facing many challenges. We are taking care of many older cats suffering from various conditions, which implies substantial costs.

The donations we receive are not sufficient to cover the cost of food and veterinary care. Your help would be incredibly valuable in continuing to feed the 190 cats relying on us!

Association Patounes de Chats
3 résidence Angélique Mirassou
64390 Sauveterre de béarn
FR France
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