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Canned food for Lilou

Broken ribs, head inclined, difficulty walking: poor Lilou has been mistreated and still bears heavy aftereffects...
photo association
Canned food for Lilou
Broken ribs, head inclined, difficulty walking: poor Lilou has been mistreated and still bears heavy aftereffects...

256 cans

256 cans

Broken ribs, head inclined, difficulty walking: poor Lilou has been mistreated and still bears heavy aftereffects...

1. She was beaten and will be disabled for life...

Lilou is a 12-year-old cat, who was beaten and tormented in the past. When we took her in, she had broken ribs. She also has a fistula between her auditory canal and her nose, disturbing her inner ear.

She is therefore disoriented, her head leaning to one side, and she has difficulties walking straight. As the fistula is not operable, it often becomes infected. Thus, we frequently have to treat her with antibiotics.

2. Canned food would give her the strength to cope despite difficulties

Rich in quality proteins and vitamins, canned food would provide Lilou with a daily energy boost. Such a food source would also undoubtedly lift her spirits. It would also be a good way to help her swallow her antibiotic tablets more easily in case of an infection.

3. We do not have any grants...

We have been managing the association since 2011, and are currently caring for about fifty animals, many of which are sick cats. We are just three volunteers managing everything, including financially.

Without grants and only limited assistance for the sterilisation and identification of animals, we often have to dip into our personal finances to feed the cats... But with inflation, we won't be able to keep this up for long!

Association Chats Grains d'Amour
17 impasse des sangliers

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