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Blankets for Irina

Cough, blocked nose, difficult breathing: poor Irina has a nasty case of cat flu!
photo association
Blankets for Irina
Cough, blocked nose, difficult breathing: poor Irina has a nasty case of cat flu!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Cough, blocked nose, difficult breathing: poor Irina has a nasty case of cat flu!

1. She's very sick...

Irina is a kitten of around four months old, whom we found in the midst of a forest. She is suffering from severe cat flu, which is greatly affecting her respiratory system, leading to frequent coughing and a heavily congested, dry nose.

We are therefore administering inhalations to try and relieve her congested airways...

2. With blankets, she could recover warmly

Blankets would be exceptionally beneficial for Irina, particularly whilst she is undergoing treatment for cat flu. They would enable her to retain her body heat, which would help to ease her respiratory symptoms, and create a favourable environment for her recovery.

Such a cosy and reassuring space would promote her wellbeing and help to speed up her recovery!

3. There are more and more abandonments!

Currently, our association is trying to bounce back financially after being swamped with bills.

We take care of around a hundred cats, and of late, we have been seeing an increasing number of adult cat abandonments. These scenarios are increasing our responsibilities and burdens, which are not easy to manage!

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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