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Canned food for Vénus

Little Venus found herself all alone outside, at just two months old!
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Canned food for Vénus
Little Venus found herself all alone outside, at just two months old!

288 cans

288 cans

Little Venus found herself all alone outside, at just two months old!

1. She lives outside!

Venus is a three-month-old kitten, who was abandoned at a feeding site a few weeks ago. Poor Venus now finds herself living in the cold, even though she is still very young and highly vulnerable... Fortunately, a neutered stray cat has taken her under her wing.

2. She is very fearful...

Despite our regular visits to the site, Venus remains very fearful. She is completely disoriented and is having a hard time adapting to life outdoors.

3. Canned food would help to socialise her

Canned food would be a great help in socialising Venus. We could accustom her to our presence, making her easier to adopt in the future. These regular meals would provide her with some much-needed continuity.

With canned food, she could benefit from essential nutrients for a healthy growth. Being able to fill up on good proteins every day would also help her to better resist the cold.

4. As the number of cats increases, so does the association's need for food!

At the moment, between the cold weather and the new tomcats arriving at various sites, our association is facing considerable challenges.

The situation is made even more difficult because our food stocks are limited: we do not have the financial resources to buy enough canned food for the cats to withstand the low temperatures!

Association Félin Pour L’Hôte
22 rue d’arromanches
34500 Beziers
FR France

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