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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/04/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Maïlo

Mouth abscess, nose injury, extreme thinness; poor Maïlo is in a sorry state!
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Canned food for Maïlo
Mouth abscess, nose injury, extreme thinness; poor Maïlo is in a sorry state!

192 cans

192 cans

Mouth abscess, nose injury, extreme thinness; poor Maïlo is in a sorry state!

1. He's injured!

Mailo is a four-year-old cat that we found outside in a poor condition. He has a wound on his nose, he's so skinny and badly malnourished! We've therefore placed him into foster care to help him regain his strength.

2. His gums are constantly inflamed...

Mailo has chronic calicivirus. There are abscesses in his mouth causing him pain, so he's drooling a lot. Due to inflammation in his gums, his fangs have even become dislodged! We provide him with various treatments to ease his pain. However, eating dry food is still a challenge for him.

3. He has severe allergies!

Mailo has food allergies. If he doesn't get the appropriate diet, he starts to itch all over and his paw pads become very red and sensitive!

4. Canned food would help him regain his strength without pain

Suitable canned food would be perfect to help Mailo quickly regain weight. Their soft texture and ease of eating would alleviate his pain and difficulties during mastication. They would allow him to replenish on good nutrients without the risk of causing a new allergic reaction.

5. No fewer than 190 tomcats need our help!

Our organisation is currently facing many difficulties. We are taking care of numerous elderly cats suffering from various conditions, which means a substantial budget.

Donations are not enough to cover the cost of food and veterinary care. Your help would be invaluable to continue feeding the 190 cats who rely on us!

Association Patounes de Chats
3 résidence Angélique Mirassou
64390 Sauveterre de béarn
FR France
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