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Canned food for Rouquinou

Vomiting, diarrhoea... poor Rouquinou seems to have caught a parasitic disease!
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Canned food for Rouquinou
Vomiting, diarrhoea... poor Rouquinou seems to have caught a parasitic disease!

192 cans

192 cans

Vomiting, diarrhoea... poor Rouquinou seems to have caught a parasitic disease!

1. He is suffering from serious digestive problems…

Rouquinou is a cat of approximately three years old who appeared at a feeding spot last year. Lately, he has been vomiting and suffering from severe diarrhoea.

His symptoms are suggestive of giardiasis, a disease transmitted by an intestinal parasite. But being a wild cat who lives outdoors, treating him is not an easy task.

2. Suitable canned food would help him regain strength and recover

Highly appealing, canned food would make it easier to administer antibiotics and a deworming tablet to Rouquinou. In this way, he would be rid of the parasites causing his illness.

Highly digestible, such a diet would help Rouquinou's gut flora to recuperate. Rich in high-quality proteins and essential nutrients, it could help him regain his health.

3. Our personal finances are not limitless…

Cat flu outbreaks among the cats of the association make the situation even more precarious. Without any subsidy and only very sporadic donations, we are forced to rely on our personal finances.

The situation, being unsustainable, has led us to suspend any new admissions until further notice!

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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