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Pellets for Nymphéa

Arthritis, dental issues, weight loss: Nymphea's health is on the decline...
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Pellets for Nymphéa
Arthritis, dental issues, weight loss: Nymphea's health is on the decline...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Arthritis, dental issues, weight loss: Nymphea's health is on the decline...

1. She has locomotive issues…

Nymphea is a 28-year-old Shetland pony who has been with us for several years. She arrived with multiple shoulder fractures, and has unfortunately been left with lasting damage. She has difficulty moving around due to arthritis…

2. Her teeth are damaged!

As time goes by, Nymphea is having more and more dental problems. Some of her teeth have become loose, while others are moving or damaged… Chewing has become difficult for her and she has started to deteriorate.

3. Pellets would help her gain weight

To keep fit despite her age, Nymphea needs supplements. With moistened pellets, she could gain strength faultlessly, and regain the weight she lost. It would be an excellent source of energy for her!

4. Winter complicates our finances…

With the arrival of winter, the association's expenditures increase. We try as well as we can to garner some funds with Christmas markets, but it is not enough. During this period, animals need more food, care, etc. Our budget is insufficient to cover these costs!

Association Happy Horse Day
346 chemin du moure de la Violette
30490 Montfrin
FR France

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