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Blankets for Pirate

Loss of an eye, thinness, stunted growth: young Pirate won't make it without help!
photo association
Blankets for Pirate
Loss of an eye, thinness, stunted growth: young Pirate won't make it without help!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Loss of an eye, thinness, stunted growth: young Pirate won't make it without help!

1. He's lost an eye!

Pirate, a young eight-month-old cat, was found in a precarious state. He was severely injured in one eye, and had to be enucleated three weeks ago. He now needs to learn how to live with this new visual impairment.

2. He has significant growth delay…

Upon his arrival, Pirate was skeletal, with significant growth delay. We placed him in a foster home to allow him to recover, and perhaps one day be capable of being adopted…

3. Blankets would help him recover more easily

Providing blankets would offer a comfortable place for Pirate to regain strength during his convalescence. We could afford him a cosy and reassuring environment, while keeping his body temperature as stable as possible.

Such blankets would offer him a sense of security and belonging in his foster home, facilitating his adaptation and socialisation, in view of a potential future adoption…

4. New feeding sites, veterinary costs, lack of foster homes: our organisation is under pressure!

We are currently facing significant financial challenges. Several collections enabled us to cover various veterinary expenses, but this has reduced our budget for food!

We also recently had to take responsibility for a new feeding site, which represents an additional twenty cats to feed! With the imminent arrival of the year’s first kittens and a lack of foster homes, our resources are under more strain than ever…

25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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