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Canned food for Achille

Achille has numerous cysts on his kidneys, which are increasingly weakening him!
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Canned food for Achille
Achille has numerous cysts on his kidneys, which are increasingly weakening him!

192 cans

192 cans

Achille has numerous cysts on his kidneys, which are increasingly weakening him!

1. He has polycystic kidney disease...

Achille is a two-year-old cat with polycystic kidney disease. This genetic malady has caused multiple cysts to develop in his kidneys, impeding their functionality. Because it is exhausting for his system, he’s losing weight and his sides are sunken...

2. With appropriate canned food, we could best slow down the progression of the disease

Canned food with reduced protein and phosphorous content would help alleviate the workload on Achille's kidneys. Packed with essential nutrients, they would allow him to safely replenish his energy. Encouraging his appetite and regular eating would also gradually help him regain weight.

3. Cat flu outbreak, ageing animals, treatments... veterinary expenses have severely depleted our budget!

These past months have been tough for our association. Many lives at their end needed care, whilst others passed away. The expenses incurred have been substantial...

Not to mention that we now have to curb a cat flu outbreak, the treatment of which has directly affected the intestinal health of the cats. Since the association was established in 2011, caring for such a large number of felines remains an ongoing challenge!

Association Le Jardin des Chats
43370 Saint-Christophe-sur-Dolaison
FR France

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