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Blankets for Dolly

Watery eyes, blocked nose... poor Dolly is suffering from a severe case of cat flu!
photo association
Blankets for Dolly
Watery eyes, blocked nose... poor Dolly is suffering from a severe case of cat flu!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Watery eyes, blocked nose... poor Dolly is suffering from a severe case of cat flu!

1. She's very sick...

Dolly is a five-year-old cat living at a feeding site. She is suffering from a severe case of cat flu, which is causing a runny nose and watery eyes. We are currently giving her doxival, but we may have to consider trying a complementary treatment soon.

2. Blankets would aid her recovery

Blankets would provide Dolly with a comfortable place to rest and regain her strength. We could create a soothing environment for her, keeping her body temperature as stable as possible. No longer being forced to sleep directly on the ground would be a great relief to her!

3. New feeding sites, veterinary costs, lack of foster homes: our association is under pressure!

We are currently facing significant financial challenges. Several fundraising events have allowed us to cover various veterinary costs, but this has reduced our budget dedicated to food!

We also recently had to take responsibility for a new feeding site, which means an additional twenty cats to feed! With the imminent arrival of the first kittens of the year and a shortage of foster homes, our resources are more strained than ever...

25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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