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Canned food for Upsy

Severely injured, poor Upsy has lasting damage and can no longer go to the toilet on her own...
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Canned food for Upsy
Severely injured, poor Upsy has lasting damage and can no longer go to the toilet on her own...

288 cans

288 cans

Severely injured, poor Upsy has lasting damage and can no longer go to the toilet on her own...

1. She suffered a hind leg injury!

Upsy is a four-month-old kitten who was entrusted to us in November after being found by another association. Upon arrival, she was paralysed in her hind legs, likely due to a dog attack, and had scabs on her lower back and belly.

Fortunately, she has since regained her ability to walk and her tail is slowly recovering its mobility. However, Upsy still can't go to the toilet on her own and needs our help in this regards.

2. Canned food would support her continued growth

Canned kitten food would be beneficial for Upsy. Its soft texture would make ingestion easier.

Rich in nutrients, such diet would aid her recovery and growth while supporting her digestive system. This way, she could grow into a healthy adult despite her disability!

3. Many moggies are not adoptable...

We currently take care of about a hundred cats in our association, many of whom are considered unadoptable due to their health, their feral nature, or their advanced age...

With people's financial resources dwindling, our challenges are intensifying. These cats are spread across foster homes and our premises, requiring constant care and management. Unfortunately, our resources are severely limited!

Association Animalove
6 rue de Quesnel
80134 Hangest-en-Santerre
FR France
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