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Canned food for Wasabi

Mouth pains, tooth extraction, difficulties eating: poor Wasabi is suffering from calicivirus!
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Canned food for Wasabi
Mouth pains, tooth extraction, difficulties eating: poor Wasabi is suffering from calicivirus!

256 cans

256 cans

Mouth pains, tooth extraction, difficulties eating: poor Wasabi is suffering from calicivirus!

1. He has a calicivirus...

Wasabi is a 14-year-old cat, suffering from a chronic calicivirus. As a result of this disease, all of his teeth have had to be removed for his relief.

Several times a year, he undergoes episodes during which his gums become inflamed anew. He then begins to drool and requires treatment.

2. With canned food, he could more easily regain his strength

Senior cat canned food would benefit Wasabi. Its soft texture and ease of eating would be ideal to enable him to feed comfortably.

Such canned food would also provide him with all the nutrients he needs at his age, while taking the utmost care of his health!

3. Many tomcats are not adoptable...

We currently manage about a hundred cats in our association, many of whom are considered unadoptable due to their health condition, wild nature or advanced age...

With people's declining financial means, our challenges are intensifying. These cats are spread among foster families and with us, which requires constant care and management. Unfortunately, our resources are significantly limited!

Association Animalove
6 rue de Quesnel
80134 Hangest-en-Santerre
FR France
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