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Canned food for Lola

Vomiting, diarrhoea: poor Lola has lost a lot of weight due to gastrointestinal problems!
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Canned food for Lola
Vomiting, diarrhoea: poor Lola has lost a lot of weight due to gastrointestinal problems!

192 cans

192 cans

Vomiting, diarrhoea: poor Lola has lost a lot of weight due to gastrointestinal problems!

1. She suffers from digestive problems!

Lola is a 13-year-old cat who suffers from gastrointestinal issues, including frequent diarrhoea and occasional vomiting. These problems have led to a noticeable weight loss in her...

Despite a thorough check-up, the causes of her symptoms have not been clearly identified. So, we are trying our best to support her!

2. Canned food could alleviate her digestive disorders

Gastrointestinal canned food could be beneficial for Lola. Their suitable composition and easily digestible texture could help stabilise her digestive issues, while aiding her intestines to regenerate.

Such a diet would also provide the necessary nutrients for her to regain weight, and recover her overall health!

3. Many cats are not adoptable...

We currently manage about a hundred cats in our association, many of whom are considered unadoptable due to their health condition, their wild nature or their advanced age...

With people's financial means decreasing, our challenges are intensifying. These cats are split between foster homes and our organisation, which requires constant care and management. Unfortunately, our resources are greatly limited!

Association Animalove
6 rue de Quesnel
80134 Hangest-en-Santerre
FR France
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