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Canned food for Câlin

Kidney problems, inflamed gums, irritated tongue: Câlin urgently needs cans of food tailored to his health issues!
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Canned food for Câlin
Kidney problems, inflamed gums, irritated tongue: Câlin urgently needs cans of food tailored to his health issues!

192 cans

192 cans

Kidney problems, inflamed gums, irritated tongue: Câlin urgently needs cans of food tailored to his health issues!

1. His kidneys aren't functioning very well...

Calin is a 7-year-old cat suffering from kidney failure. His kidneys no longer efficiently eliminate toxins from his body, which greatly taxes his system and causes weight loss. He therefore has treatment to follow.

2. He has mouth pain due to a virus!

Calin also suffers from calicivirus – a disease which causes inflammation in his gums and irritation on his tongue. Eating dry cat food has become very painful for poor Calin!

3. With canned food, he could regain strength safely

Kidney-friendly canned food would allow Calin to regain his strength without risk. Its soft and smooth texture would make his life easier and reduce the irritation in his mouth.

Furthermore, such a diet would help to disguise the taste of his kidney medication. He could thus receive the necessary treatment to maintain a stable condition, while benefiting from proper nutrition...

4. Financially, we are at a standstill!

At this moment, we are facing financial difficulties as, although the requests are plentiful, the adoptions are not keeping up...

Despite our efforts, donations are still not resuming, which worsens our budget situation and limits our capacity to provide the necessary care for the thirty or so cats under our charge.

Association Boules d'amour
1 les gourdins
33910 Bonzac
FR France

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