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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 22/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Betty

Betty's eye is so swollen that she can barely see anything, she even struggles to eat.
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Canned food for Betty
Betty's eye is so swollen that she can barely see anything, she even struggles to eat.

256 cans

256 cans

Betty's eye is so swollen that she can barely see anything, she even struggles to eat.

1. Her eyelids are stuck shut

Betty has been suffering from eye problems almost since she was born. Despite treatment for the past month, the inside of her eye remains swollen. It secretes a lot, and her eyelids are stuck shut every morning. Neither medications nor creams seem to help!

Under these circumstances, she has trouble seeing and even smelling. Therefore, feeding becomes challenging.

2. Canned food will aid her daily life

Betty will find it much easier to feed if she has access to canned food. Its aroma makes it significantly easier for her to locate.

This will also help her regain her strength and fight her illness more effectively.

3. We've had a really tough year

Last year was one of the worst we've ever experienced in terms of abandoned cats. There were really a lot of them. Which, of course, greatly increased our veterinary costs. Your help will be invaluable in at least being able to feed them all!



Association Les Chats De QUEAUX
les effes
86150 Queaux
FR France

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