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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 17/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Milo

Ever since he developed diabetes, poor Milo has lost a lot of weight!
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Canned food for Milo
Ever since he developed diabetes, poor Milo has lost a lot of weight!

192 cans

192 cans

Ever since he developed diabetes, poor Milo has lost a lot of weight!

1. He has lost a significant amount of weight since his diabetes diagnosis...

Milo is an 8-year-old cat, diagnosed with diabetes since 2023. He requires insulin injections both in the morning and evening, to manage his condition.

Despite this, he has experienced a noticeable loss of weight, to the extent that his spine can be felt when you stroke him…

2. With access to canned food, he could gain weight without any risk

Canned food specifically designed for diabetic cats can allow Milo to regain weight.

They will provide a meal plan that fits his specific dietary needs, while helping maintain his glucose levels. These foods will help ensure his overall health while being compatible with his insulin therapy!\

3. Many cats currently in our care are not fit to be adopted...

At present, we are managing around 100 cats with our organisation, many of whom are considered non-adoptable because of their health status, feral nature or advanced age...

In these times, when people's financial capabilities have diminished, our tasks have exacerbated drastically. These cats are either staying with our foster families or with us, which requires continuous management and care. Sadly, our resources are very strained!+

Association Animalove
6 rue de Quesnel
80134 Hangest-en-Santerre
FR France
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