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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 17/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Melvin

Weight loss, weakness in the back legs: poor Melvin is diabetic!
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Canned food for Melvin
Weight loss, weakness in the back legs: poor Melvin is diabetic!

192 cans

192 cans

Weight loss, weakness in the back legs: poor Melvin is diabetic!

1. Diabetes has caused him to lose weight…

Melvin is an 8-year-old cat who has been suffering from diabetes for several months. He requires insulin injections morning and evening to manage his condition.

Despite this, he has experienced significant weight loss to the point where his spine is discernible when petting him... He also exhibits considerable weakness in his hind legs.

2. With canned food, he could gain weight safely

Special canned food designed for diabetic cats would help Melvin regain weight.

It would provide him with a diet that caters to his specific nutritional needs while helping to stabilize his blood sugar levels. This food would contribute to maintaining his overall health and is compatible with his insulin treatment!

3. Many tomcats are not suitable for adoption…

We are currently caring for about a hundred cats in our organisation, many of whom are considered unsuitable for adoption due to their health conditions, wild nature or advanced age...

As people's financial resources decrease, our challenges intensify. These cats are spread across foster homes and our own facilities, requiring constant care and management. Unfortunately, our resources are severely limited!


Association Animalove
6 rue de Quesnel
80134 Hangest-en-Santerre
FR France
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