Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it will soon be delivered to its beneficiary.
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Canned food for Tai

Tai is in a state of extreme malnutrition, as he has only been feeding on rubbish for months!
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Canned food for Tai
Tai is in a state of extreme malnutrition, as he has only been feeding on rubbish for months!

198 cans

198 cans

Tai is in a state of extreme malnutrition, as he has only been feeding on rubbish for months!

1. He even ate plastic

Tai is 2 years old. He was abandoned and left to wander the streets. There, he survived only on what he could find. In most cases, this meant rubbish. In the best-case scenarios, it was the remains of other animals. He was so hungry he would swallow anything, even plastic!

Now, he bears significant scars from this time. He suffers from serious intestinal disorders, and is in a state of extreme malnutrition.

2. Canned food will help him recover

Now Taiwan needs to regain his strength. Canned food will allow him to recover gently, without further damaging his intestines, whilst finally providing him with the crucial nutritional balance he needs.

3. It’s always tough

We have incurred many costs for sterilizations recently, and this has heavily impacted the financial situation of our organisation.

Association Univers Libre
1270 route du Luc
83660 Carnoules
FR France

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