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Canned food for Rosie

Suffering from persistent digestive issues, poor Rosie is very weak...
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Canned food for Rosie
Suffering from persistent digestive issues, poor Rosie is very weak...

192 cans

192 cans

Suffering from persistent digestive issues, poor Rosie is very weak...

1. She suffers from severe diarrhoea…

Rosie is a five-year-old kitty, living outside for a very long time. She suffers from persistent diarrhoea, which greatly weakens her. As soon as we have the means, we will deworm her again.

2. With suitable canned food, she could efficiently build up energy again

A diet suitable for gastrointestinal disorders could be beneficial for Rosie. Easily digestible and specifically formulated for sick cats, this kind of canned food would contribute to improving her condition.

Supporting her intestines to regenerate, such a diet would finally allow her to gain strength. It would also be a good way to give her deworming tablets, to increase her chances of recovery.

3. Lack of resources greatly complicates our task!

We are a small association without substantial funds, striving to care and feed animals with the limited resources at its disposal.

Managing approximately forty cats, many of whom suffer from persistent diarrhoea, is a constant challenge! The absence of subsidies further aggravates our financial difficulties, making our mission even more challenging...

Association Les Mimichats
1 chemin de la Micrause
30820 Caveirac
FR France

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