Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/05/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Bella

Found in a vat of drain oil, poor Bella had to have her stomach pumped!
photo association
Blankets for Bella
Found in a vat of drain oil, poor Bella had to have her stomach pumped!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Found in a vat of drain oil, poor Bella had to have her stomach pumped!

1. She was stuck in an oil drain tank…

Bella is an eight-year-old cat, who was found and brought to us. Poor Bella had got herself stuck in a tank full of drain oil! We had to clean her up and give her a stomach wash. We're hoping she will pull through and are keeping a close watch on her...

2. Blankets would help her regain strength

Blankets would provide Bella with a reassuring and cosy environment, essential in her situation. They could also help in maintaining her body temperature, and offer a place for her to settle down, rest, and fully recover.

3. We're facing increasingly challenging trials…

We're currently caring for about 95 animals. Unfortunately, our organization is encountering growing challenges: the number of handicapped animals requiring specific care is increasing, while financial resources from donors are constrained...

And as the cost of living has also significantly escalated, things are not likely to get any easier!

Association Dans les yeux de Leo
341 chemin de la Megre
13105 Mimet
FR France

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