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Canned food for Gitane

Emaciation, diarrhoea... poor Gitane has a chronic intestinal disease!
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Canned food for Gitane
Emaciation, diarrhoea... poor Gitane has a chronic intestinal disease!

192 cans

192 cans

Emaciation, diarrhoea... poor Gitane has a chronic intestinal disease!

1. She is suffering from an intestinal disease...

Gitane is a 14-year-old cat who has been at our shelter for ten years. She was rescued from a dire situation on an island.

She suffers from chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which leads to episodes of diarrhoea that require treatment.

2. She is so thin!

With age, Gitane has gradually lost all her teeth. She is also increasingly frail and has lost a significant amount of weight over the recent years.

3. Canned food could effectively help her to regain strength

A special diet based on wet cat food might aid Gitane, supplying her with the nutrients she needs. Easy to swallow and digest, this type of canned food would be ideal for her.

It would provide an opportunity to reduce her diarrhoea episodes related to her disease, while supporting her overall health. This could allow her to gain some weight and improve her condition.

4. The veterinary costs are colossal!

Our association is faced with significant financial challenges, as we have recently encountered hefty veterinary expenses to care for sick cats.

With 200 cats under our care and around thirty in foster homes, the costs add up very quickly! Unfortunately, donations have not increased to cover these additional expenses, which places a significant strain on our resources...

Association L'école du Chat d'Ollioules Défense et Respect de la Vie Animale
927 chemin de la Poussaraque
83190 Ollioules
FR France

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