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Blankets for Goliath

Struck by a car, poor Goliath had one leg broken and the other torn off!
photo association
Blankets for Goliath
Struck by a car, poor Goliath had one leg broken and the other torn off!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Struck by a car, poor Goliath had one leg broken and the other torn off!

1. He was seriously injured…

Goliath is a one and a half year old cat who was hit by a car a few months ago. His right hind leg was completely ripped off, while his right front paw was broken at the elbow.

The vet operated on him and put pins in his legs. Goliath's recovery is a long one: he is gradually starting to walk again. Poor guy struggles to find his balance as his entire right side was affected…

2. With blankets, he would be nice and warm for recovery

A set of blankets just for him would provide Goliath with a cosy and safe environment. He could settle in there to rest, without being exposed to humidity and drafts. Having such a space would allow him to relearn how to walk, without the risk of taking a bad fall.

3. We're in the red now!

Recently, our association participated in an emergency rescue of cats from a house where the owner suffered from Noah's syndrome.

In addition to the cats we usually care for, we now have many new animals to look after... It's too much for our limited resources!

Association Les chats de l'Indifférence
340 rue de la Chaussiette
59163 Condé-sur-l'Escau
FR France

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