Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 05/06/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Benji

A victim of an untreated herpes virus, poor Benji has lost sight in one eye!
photo association
Blankets for Benji
A victim of an untreated herpes virus, poor Benji has lost sight in one eye!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

A victim of an untreated herpes virus, poor Benji has lost sight in one eye!

1. He lived in dire conditions!

Benji, a two-year-old cat, was rescued from a highly precarious and unsanitary environment. His previous owner failed to provide adequate food, leaving the household cats fighting for survival! Upon our arrival, we found the bodies of cats in some rooms...

2. He's lost vision in one eye...

Benji, being underfed, now only weighs 1.5 kg and is suffering from deficiencies. He also has ear mites, fleas and worms. A herpes virus has also damaged one of his eyes, depriving him of half his visual field!

3. With blankets, he could stay warm and rest

Having his own set of blankets would be extremely comforting for Benji. He would be able to nestle in them comfortably to rest and gain some energy. After everything he's been through, a bit of softness would do his heart a lot of good!

4. We're stretched to the limit!

Recently, our association took part in the emergency rescue of cats from a house where the owner had Noah's syndrome.

In addition to the cats we normally care for, we now have many new animals to take care of... It's too much for our limited resources!

Association Les chats de l'Indifférence
340 rue de la Chaussiette
59163 Condé-sur-l'Escau
FR France

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