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Pellets for Zorro

Emaciated, Zorro needs to regain his health...
photo association
Pellets for Zorro
Emaciated, Zorro needs to regain his health...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Emaciated, Zorro needs to regain his health...

1. He has lost weight…

Zorro is a 12-year-old donkey, which his owner could no longer keep as he had no more land. We therefore took him in three weeks ago. We're going to have to perk him up, as he's in a weakened state !

2. To regain strength, he will need pellets

Tasty food like pellets would encourage Zorro to eat regularly, to regain the weight he lost. This would be an opportunity for him to replenish his vitamins and minerals, to maintain his condition despite the seasonal changes.

3. The refuge is under pressure !

At the moment, our association is facing numerous difficulties. The recent bad weather has forced us to take in more animals, even though we were already under pressure !

Currently, no fewer than 300 animals are relying on us ! This situation puts great strain on our resources and our ability to provide adequate care to all our charges…

Association Association Nationale Des Amis Des Ânes
66 Avenue de Lyon
63600 Ambert
FR France

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