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Canned food for Ambre

Suffering from several ulcers, little Amber might potentially have to have an eye removed!
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Canned food for Ambre
Suffering from several ulcers, little Amber might potentially have to have an eye removed!

256 cans

256 cans

Suffering from several ulcers, little Amber might potentially have to have an eye removed!

1. She has multiple ulcers…

Ambre is a one-year-old cat that we rescued from the pound. Unfortunately, she has an ulcer in her eye and another on her tongue (potentially due to a calicivirus).

We are currently giving her a treatment (eye drops and painkillers) but if the situation doesn't improve quickly, we might have to consider removing her affected eye...

2. Canned food would help her regain strength

Canned food would allow Ambre to replenish her daily intake of vitamins, proteins, and minerals.

It would be a good way for her to boost her immune system. As it's a type of food that is moist and easy to consume, she would have no trouble eating.

3. Hundreds of cats are relying on us!

Right now, adoptions are few and far between, but we're seeing an increase in requests for care.

Many people are abandoning their adult cats, even when they're sick and not neutered. Between the cattery, foster families, and the street, we're left with almost 340 cats to look after!



Association Les Chats de la Rue
Centre d'Animation de Beaulieu
10, boulevard Savari
FR France

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