With winter coming, Roublard needs to regain his strength!
256 cans
256 cans
Cesar is a 5-year-old cat who has tested positive for FIV. This feline immunodeficiency syndrome attacks his immune defences, making him more vulnerable...
Suffering from gingivitis, Cesar has inflamed gums and has lost most of his teeth. He had a huge abscess for which the vet had to operate. But due to FIV, Cesar has a lot of trouble healing. Not to mention that a tumour is starting to appear inside his cheek...
Canned paté specifically designed for cats having difficulty eating could be extremely beneficial to Cesar.
It would make his feeding easier, despite his missing teeth, and support his weakened immune system. By contributing to better hydration, moist food could also help to reduce the inflammation of his gums...
At the moment, adoptions are few, while requests for care are on the increase.
Many people abandon their adult cats, even when they are ill and not sterilised. Between the cattery, foster families and the street, we are left managing nearly 340 toms!