Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 07/06/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Pellets for Roméo

Poor Romeo was going to be slaughtered for his meat...
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Pellets for Roméo
Poor Romeo was going to be slaughtered for his meat...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Romeo was going to be slaughtered for his meat...

1. He was being fattened up to be eaten...

Romeo is a 12-year-old pig who was abandoned with people when he was only a month and a half old. These people planned to fatten him before eating him. We stepped in to save him from this fate.

2. He tends to weaken, as his teeth are damaged!

With time, Romeo's teeth have started to wear seriously. As a result, he's struggling to chew his food and tends to lose weight.

3. Pellets would help to keep him in good health

Romeo needs additional supplements to remain healthy. Pellets would be perfect to meet his nutritional needs, and provide him with all the nutrients he needs on a daily basis!

4. The cold has exacerbated our already complicated situation...

The arrival of severe winter weather confronted us with major challenges. Most of our animals are ageing and have been weakened by the temperatures. Pellets would allow us to supplement their feed and restore them back to health!

Funding their care leaves us with not enough budget to buy the necessary pellets. This is why we are asking for your help!



Association 4 Sabots et un Fer
Le Hubert
61190 Saint-Maurice-lès-Charencey
FR France
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