Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 07/06/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Ariel

Infested with parasites and very thin, poor Ariel needs to be perked up!
photo association
Canned food for Ariel
Infested with parasites and very thin, poor Ariel needs to be perked up!

256 cans

256 cans

Infested with parasites and very thin, poor Ariel needs to be perked up!

1. Found in a critical state!

Ariel is a 14-year-old cat, found alongside her deceased owner. Poor Ariel had fleas and worms when we found her. She was also skeletal! We are therefore in the process of de-worming and de-fleaing her.

2. Canned food would help her regain weight

Canned pâté specially designed for senior cats would provide Ariel with all the nutrients her body needs. Benefiting from such a diet on a daily basis would help her refill her energy stores, and gradually regain weight.

3. The association receives no assistance!

For more than three decades, my commitment to cat rescue has placed me in countless challenges. Without subsidies or external aids, and with retirement benefits half consumed by caring for needy cats, the financial situation of the association is becoming unsustainable!

With the money that is left, I have to find a way to feed the cats and pay my fixed charges... Being alone in this fight, the emotional and financial burden of these rescues weigh heavily on my shoulders!



24, rue Jean Monnet, Saint Paul
16380 Chazelles
FR France

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