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Canned food for Pépite

Hypothermia, pus-filled eyes, sneezing: little Pépite was found in a critical state!
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Canned food for Pépite
Hypothermia, pus-filled eyes, sneezing: little Pépite was found in a critical state!

288 cans

288 cans

Hypothermia, pus-filled eyes, sneezing: little Pépite was found in a critical state!

1. She almost didn't make it…

Pepite is a one-month-old kitten that came to us from the pound. She was found in a state of hypothermia, suffering severely from cat flu.

We warmed her with hot water bottles, and are now administering treatment to alleviate her symptoms (watery eyes, sneezing). The poor dear only weighs 350 grams…

2. Canned food would help her regain her strength

Canned food suitable for kittens could provide Pepite with daily essential vitamins, proteins and minerals.

This would be a good means for her to finally gain weight and catch up on her growth delay. It would also make it easier for us to administer her medicines.

3. Hundreds of cats rely on us!

At present, there are few adoptions, while we are witnessing an increase in care requests.

Many people are abandoning their adult cats who are often sick and non-sterilised. Between the shelter, foster families and the street, we are managing nearly 340 tomcats!

Association Les Chats de la Rue
Centre d'Animation de Beaulieu
10, boulevard Savari
FR France

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