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Pellets for Jallah

Poor Jallah is suffering from cancer which is causing her to lose a lot of weight!
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Pellets for Jallah
Poor Jallah is suffering from cancer which is causing her to lose a lot of weight!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Jallah is suffering from cancer which is causing her to lose a lot of weight!

1. Suffering from cancer, she has lost a lot of weight...

Jallah is a 28-year-old mare, whom we took in after her owner passed away in September. Sadly, she has been diagnosed with cancer.

The tumour she had in her hindquarters has since become necrotic, and the wound has closed up. Her most recent blood tests are difficult to interpret, but we are worried as she has lost a significant amount of weight. We fear that her cancer may be spreading...

2. Pellets would help her gain weight

Pellets would provide Jallah the necessary nutrition to sustain her health.

Due to her weight loss and the fatigue caused by her cancer, her dietary needs have increased. Such supplementation would provide her with invaluable energy to get through this challenging period!

3. We're starting to become overwhelmed!

Founded in May 2023, our association is faced with significant costs, particularly in terms of veterinary care. We are currently looking after 26 equines, who also require large quantities of hay!

With limited financial resources, we are forced to stagger our payments. As other associations in the region are overwhelmed, we continue to receive requests for assistance on a regular basis... we simply can't keep up!

Association O'Grands Coeurs
7 lieu-dit la Vachere
63500 Saint-Babel
FR France

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