Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 08/06/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Nora

Blood loss, thinness, cat flu... poor Nora was in a critical state!
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Canned food for Nora
Blood loss, thinness, cat flu... poor Nora was in a critical state!

256 cans

256 cans

Blood loss, thinness, cat flu... poor Nora was in a critical state!

1. We had to operate urgently!

Nora is a five-year-old cat we found in a feeding area in a critical condition. She was skeletal and losing a lot of blood. It turns out she was suffering from a uterine infection!

The vet thus operated on her, removing her uterus, to prevent the infection from spreading or causing septicaemia.

2. She had a severe case of cat flu…

Affected by cat flu, Nora is very weakened. We have her on inhalations and antibiotic treatment, but she is struggling to regain her strength.

3. Canned food would help her recover

High-protein, vitamin and mineral-rich canned food could greatly help Nora's recovery. It would provide her with balanced and easy-to-digest food, essential for her weakened immune system. This could finally enable her to regain her strength.

4. The scarcity of donations leaves us at a dead end!

Donations are very low and increasingly scarce. We haven’t received any for several weeks, despite our pleas for help. Fifteen sterilisations have exhausted our budget, which is why we are reaching out to you…

Association Nos P'tits Coeurs Perdus
Le Chatelet, route de la pommeraye
49410 Mauges-sur-Loire
FR France

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