Toothache, gum inflammation: Romy has caught a calicivirus!
256 cans
256 cans
Minet is a four-year-old cat, who lives outdoors. We found him with very large abscesses, some of which have burst!
As a result, he has open and festering wounds that have become infected. Despite the care we are giving him, some abscesses are still there...
Canned cat food would be beneficial for Minet, by providing him with a diet full of vitamins and rich in essential nutrients.
He could stay well-hydrated while regaining his strength, which would help him to gradually improve. While he eats, it would also be easier to treat him.
We are taking in a lot of kittens at the moment. About forty have arrived in just one month! We are going to try to organise a collection in a store in a few weeks, but we fear that with the crisis, people might not donate much...