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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 23/08/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Timéo

Emaciation, heartworm, twisted legs, arthritis: poor Timéo has been damaged by life!
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Canned food for Timéo
Emaciation, heartworm, twisted legs, arthritis: poor Timéo has been damaged by life!

132 cans

132 cans

Emaciation, heartworm, twisted legs, arthritis: poor Timéo has been damaged by life!

1. He has lived under horrific conditions!

Timeo is a 10 year old dog that we repatriated from Reunion Island. There, he lived in a shelter where he was badly treated.

He spent years without seeing daylight, amidst rats and worms! He is also extremely thin due to a lack of food.

2. He has a multitude of health issues...

As a result of the lack of care, he ended up contracting heartworm, a disease caused by parasitic worms in the heart.

His teeth are also severely damaged, and he had never received any dental care before coming to us... We had to carry out emergency dental extractions!

3. He struggles to walk!

Timeo also has arthritis due to sleeping on the ground for so long. His legs are all twisted and he struggles to move around.

4. Canned food would help him recover

Canned food could help Timeo regain strength. It would be much easier for him to eat than dry food, given the state of his teeth.

Such nutrient-rich food would help him regain his health and lift his spirits after the terrible ordeals he’s been through!

5. The situation is particularly difficult!

We carried out large-scale rescues on Reunion Island a short while ago, which involved extensive costs. Due to budget constraints, we had to stop taking cats and dogs from outside our local area.

The situation is challenging, which is why we need help in order to provide the appropriate food for our vulnerable charges...

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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