Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 30/08/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Fidji

Poor Fidji is regularly paralysed in her hind legs!
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Canned food for Fidji
Poor Fidji is regularly paralysed in her hind legs!

256 cans

256 cans

Poor Fidji is regularly paralysed in her hind legs!

1. She suffers from a severe handicap...

Fidji is a cat of about eight years old who we rescued in a critical state when she was just a kitten. We don't know what happened to her, but she frequently experiences paralysis in her hindquarters and is unable to walk.

Her examinations show nothing abnormal. Therefore, during these episodes of paralysis, we administer anti-inflammatory treatment with the aim of relieving her. She can sometimes remain immobile for over a week!

2. Canned food would help her regain strength

A diet rich in vitamins would provide Fidji with the energy she needs daily to live with her impairment. Having appealing and tasty food would also bring her a great deal of comfort.

3. With constant births and ill cats, our budget is stretched thin!

Many of the animals we care for are currently hospitalised with severe conditions. It's a disaster in terms of our budget!

And since we no longer have the means to sterilise all the cats living on the streets, there have been births, meaning even more mouths to feed!

Association Le Jardin des Chats
43370 Saint-Christophe-sur-Dolaison
FR France

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