Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 27/08/2024, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Suuki

Loss of appetite, sneezing, watery eyes: Suuki is having a relapse of cat flu!
photo association
Canned food for Suuki
Loss of appetite, sneezing, watery eyes: Suuki is having a relapse of cat flu!

256 cans

256 cans

Loss of appetite, sneezing, watery eyes: Suuki is having a relapse of cat flu!

1. She is ill!

Suuki is a three-year-old cat that we vaccinated several times in the past. Regrettably, she fell ill with cat flu. Currently, she is experiencing a relapse: her eyes are filled with pus and she is sneezing, her appetite is poor...

2. Canned food could help her regain strength

Cans of vitamin-enriched pate could help Suuki replenish her energy. It would stimulate her appetite while providing her with essential nutrients to regain health, which would be of great value to her!

3. The association is in a bind...

For the association, things are always quite complicated. We are receiving fewer and fewer donations and we are not getting any help. We have taken on board new cases which come with substantial veterinary expenses, leading to hefty bills...

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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