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Blankets for Praline

Suffering from cat flu, poor Praline has a blocked nose and pus-filled eyes!
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Blankets for Praline
Suffering from cat flu, poor Praline has a blocked nose and pus-filled eyes!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Suffering from cat flu, poor Praline has a blocked nose and pus-filled eyes!

1. She's unwell…

Praline is a two-year-old female cat who was found suffering from severe cat flu. The poor thing's respiratory system really took a hit!

She is also experiencing orbital and nasal discharge, which greatly exhausts her. We are thus monitoring her closely, trying our best to care for her...

2. Blankets would allow her to recover comfortably

A set of blankets would offer Praline some softness, providing significant comfort. She could snuggle into them for rest, and stay protected from the cold when winter returns!

3. We have many kittens and adult cats that need managing…

The situation is extremely tense right now. We are caring for more than 150 animals, including many kittens, many from large litters, with a number of leukaemia cases amongst them! Our resources are limited, which is making things even more complicated...

Association A Pas De Chats
2 rue Victor Hugo
59494 Petite-Forêt
FR France

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