Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Chaton

Emaciation, sneezing, purulent ocular discharge: poor Kitten was found suffering from a severe case of cat flu!
photo association
Canned food for Chaton
Emaciation, sneezing, purulent ocular discharge: poor Kitten was found suffering from a severe case of cat flu!

288 cans

288 cans

Emaciation, sneezing, purulent ocular discharge: poor Kitten was found suffering from a severe case of cat flu!

1. He is very sick...

Kitten was found in a garden shed, suffering from a severe case of cat flu. His eyes are runny, he's sneezing a lot and has developed an ear infection. Exhausted, he's emaciated and is lagging behind in growth.

2. With canned food, he could gain weight

A diet rich in vitamins, such as canned food, would be perfect to boost Kitten’s strength. Tasty and easy to eat, such a diet would help him take his tablets. It would also be an opportunity for him to finally gain some weight, and continue his growth more normally.

3. Our budget is directly impacted by inflation!

Veterinary fees have increased by 20%, which represents a lot of extra costs for our association... As we have taken in many sick kittens, our budget is being stretched thin. We can no longer afford to buy food and blankets for all our charges.

Association Bien vivre avec les Chats Sallélois
22 Avenue René Iché
mairie de Sallèles
11590 Sallèles-d'Aude
FR France

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