Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 23/01/2025, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Miller

Poor Miller has caught a bad case of cat flu!
photo association
Blankets for Miller
Poor Miller has caught a bad case of cat flu!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Miller has caught a bad case of cat flu!

1. He's unwell!

Miller is a three-month-old kitten who was found with his littermates and entrusted to our association. He's feral, but we're trying to socialise him so he can be adopted.

Sadly, he's suffering from cat flu, which is causing discharge from his eyes and nose. We are administering him treatments and de-worming him so that he can regain his strength...

2. Blankets would keep him warm

With some blankets, Miller could maintain his body heat more effectively. This would lessen the risk of him falling ill again, and also enable him to have a more restorative sleep.

3. We've lost valuable support!

We've been facing major financial challenges since the recent loss of two sponsorships, as many donors are no longer able to assist us.

We're planning to organise new collections at supermarkets and try to raise more awareness for our cause through local press. However, the current economic climate isn't favourable for donations...

Association 4 Sabots et un Fer
Le Hubert
61190 Saint-Maurice-lès-Charencey
FR France
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