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Pellets for Le Coto

Weight loss, joint stiffness: with age, Le Coto becomes fragile!
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Pellets for Le Coto
Weight loss, joint stiffness: with age, Le Coto becomes fragile!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Weight loss, joint stiffness: with age, Le Coto becomes fragile!

1. He’s getting on a bit...

Le Coto is a 29-year-old horse who has become more fragile with age. He has great stiffness in his legs due to joint problems and he also tends to lose weight.

2. Pellets could help him efficiently regain his strength

A supplement like pellets would help Le Coto maintain his condition, despite the winter temperatures. It would ensure he gets his daily dose of energy to stay fit until the return of warmer weather. Having access to a healthy and balanced diet could also contribute to relieving his joint discomfort.

3. Donations are insufficient...

We have recently taken in several abandoned cats, but we aren't able to welcome any more horses at the moment.

Donations remain insufficient to meet all dietary and veterinary needs! This situation limits our actions and hampers our plans to promote animal welfare.

Association Hearthland Royal Horse
Impasse du chateau de la curraize
42600 Précieux
FR France

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