Filou has ulcers on his tongue and is having a lot of trouble eating...
67,480 cm2
blankets offered
287,300 cm2
blankets necessary
4 days
left to succeed
Saxo is a three-year-old cat who has likely been bitten in a fight. The bite has become infected, causing an abscess. We are currently administering antibiotics to halt the infection.
A set of blankets could help Saxo maintain his body warmth and prevent the adverse effects of the cold on his health. Ensuring a clean, dry place for him to rest could also reduce the risk of further infection.
We're currently managing about forty stray cats without having adequate food supplies. The donations have not yet picked up again, which makes the situation challenging...
Recent veterinary expenses have further dwindled our resources, complicating the purchase of essential care products for the animals!
This product can be delivered in the following countries:Îles Åland