Poor Saya lives outside even though she is ill...
256 cans
256 cans
Roucky is a cat of about four years old, who has a calicivirus. His gums were so inflamed that all his teeth had to be removed to relieve him. This situation makes feeding him challenging, as he can no longer eat dry food.
Roucky also has cat flu that persists. He sneezes and has running eyes, which exhausts his body a great deal!
Canned food suitable for senior cats could allow Roucky to feed even without his teeth. Easy to swallow and highly digestible, they would help maintain his weight and boost his immunity to fight off the viruses more effectively.
We have to care for approximately fifty stray cats and numerous kittens who have not yet found an adoptive family.
We are always working to capacity due to the large number of animals in need. Our stocks are depleting very quickly!