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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 31/01/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Vomito

Gingivitis, vomiting, loss of appetite: Vomito is really struggling to feed...
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Canned food for Vomito
Gingivitis, vomiting, loss of appetite: Vomito is really struggling to feed...

192 cans

192 cans

Gingivitis, vomiting, loss of appetite: Vomito is really struggling to feed...

1. Her gums are inflamed...

Vomito is a roughly 11-year-old cat suffering from severe gingivitis. Her gums are so inflamed that the vet recommends a dental extraction to provide relief. The operation is planned for the very near future.

2. She is suffering from vomiting!

Vomito eats very little and vomits consistently after feeding. We have de-wormed her, but to no avail...

3. Specially formulated canned food would help her regain strength effectively

A diet specifically designed to ease the burden on the gastrointestinal system would be perfect for Vomito. Such canned food will not only soothe her vomiting but also help her regain strength and rehydrate on a daily basis, even when she no longer has any teeth.

4. We are going through a very tough time...

We're facing an increasingly difficult situation, with a growing number of cats to take care of and a decrease in donations. New feeding sites have been identified, which increases our workload!

Numerous sick cats have resulted in significant veterinary costs, and we currently have around forty cats to feed onsite...

Association Association Lezard
3 rue jacques andrieux
5 rue de la tour d'auvergne
29270 carhaix
FR France

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