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Blankets for Courtisane

Itching, fatigue, skin problems: Courtisane has a purulent dermatitis!
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Blankets for Courtisane
Itching, fatigue, skin problems: Courtisane has a purulent dermatitis!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Itching, fatigue, skin problems: Courtisane has a purulent dermatitis!

1. She has serious skin problems...

Courtisane is a three-year-old cat that is suffering from a purulent dermatitis. She scratches herself a lot, constantly licking and pulling out her fur. This is very exhausting for her, and she is quite weakened as a result!

2. Blankets would keep her warm

A bundle of blankets would assist Courtisane in maintaining her body heat this winter. She could snuggle up in them comfortably, facilitating more restful and restorative sleep. This would bring her significant relief!

3. We are going through a very difficult period...

We are facing increasingly challenging circumstances, with the number of cats we need to care for growing while donations are decreasing. Further feeding sites have been identified, adding to our workload!

The plethora of sick cats has led us to incur significant veterinary costs, and we currently have around forty cats to feed across the sites...

Association Association Lezard
3 rue jacques andrieux
5 rue de la tour d'auvergne
29270 carhaix
FR France

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