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Canned food for Cookie

Kidney issues, fluid in the abdomen, thinness: Cookie needs a suitable diet!
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Canned food for Cookie
Kidney issues, fluid in the abdomen, thinness: Cookie needs a suitable diet!

192 cans

192 cans

Kidney issues, fluid in the abdomen, thinness: Cookie needs a suitable diet!

1. He has lost a lot of weight due to kidney problems!

Cookie is a 12-year-old cat, suffering from kidney failure. His kidneys are no longer effectively filtering out toxins, which is significantly straining his body. As a consequence of this, Cookie now weighs just 3 kg!

2. He might be suffering from widespread cancer...

Cookie is likely affected by widespread cancer. He has fluid in his abdomen, but according to the vet, he isn't in pain. We're still giving him painkillers just in case, and we want to make his end of life as comfortable as possible.

3. Canned food could help him regain strength

A diet specifically designed to take it easy on the kidneys could help Cookie refill his energy without risk. It would also be a good chance for him to put on some weight, to get into better shape overall.

4. Typhus has wreaked havoc!

Following a typhus outbreak, we had to cope with substantial veterinary expenses. Feeding our 70 charges became problematic, as our budget took a hit. We are also in need of blankets to keep them warm this winter…

Association Les Félins Concitoyens de Saint Eliph
3 résidence du pressoir
28240 saint-Eliph
FR France

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