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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/02/2025, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Canned food for Tigrou

Sneezing, eye ulcers, red gums: poor Tigger is very ill!
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Canned food for Tigrou
Sneezing, eye ulcers, red gums: poor Tigger is very ill!

288 cans

288 cans

Sneezing, eye ulcers, red gums: poor Tigger is very ill!

1. His mouth is inflamed!

Tigrou is a four-month-old kitten, showing signs of calicivirus. His gums are red, which makes eating difficult for him. We have a treatment to give him.

2. He has a severe case of cat flu...

Tigrou also has severe cat flu. His nose is running, he's sneezing, and he has ulcers in his eyes. We're giving him medicine in the hopes of alleviating his symptoms...

3. Canned food would make it easier for him to eat

Wet food would be easier for Tigrou to swallow than dry food. It would also give him a chance to take his medication while getting his daily energy intake. In this way, he could continue his growth despite everything!

4. Typhus has wreaked havoc!

Following a typhus outbreak, we have had to deal with huge veterinary costs. Feeding our 70 protectees has become complicated, as our budget was directly impacted! We also need blankets to keep them warm this winter...

Association Les Félins Concitoyens de Saint Eliph
3 résidence du pressoir
28240 saint-Eliph
FR France

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