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Canned food for Vicky

Suffering from an eye problem, Vicky got a blood infection!
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Canned food for Vicky
Suffering from an eye problem, Vicky got a blood infection!

256 cans

256 cans

Suffering from an eye problem, Vicky got a blood infection!

1. She lost an eye and almost didn't make it...

Vicky is a barely two-year-old cat, who was found feeding on a site with a very damaged eye. This eventually got infected and led to a bloodstream infection. Fortunately, we were able to treat Vicky in time, but her eye still had to be removed. She is now convalescing.

2. Canned food would help her regain her strength

To regain her health after what happened, Vicky will need a healthy and balanced diet. Canned food rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins would be perfect to let her refuel her energy.

3. We are at the end of our food stocks!

At the moment, we have 120 cats to feed, including 80 free-range cats spread over several feeding sites. Feeding all these mouths entails enormous expenses, while donations have not yet picked up. Having reached the end of our supplies, we don't know what we are going to do…

Association Le Gang des Matous
1 chemin de Nourric
32000 Auch
FR France

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