Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 28/05/2019, discover the delivery pictures.
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Des granulés pour Heros

Héros a été laissé dans un pré sans nourriture !
photo association
Des granulés pour Heros
Héros a été laissé dans un pré sans nourriture !

175 kg
Pellets offered

175 kg
Pellets necessary

Heros has been left in a field without any food !

1. Her owner could not take care anymore

The owner of Hero had grown old, he could not walk anymore ... And so he could not move to take care of his goat !

The poor goat was abandoned in its field, where the grass was dwindling. He lost a lot of weight for lack of food and is in poor health...

2. Pellets would help to regain weight

Heros needs to recover. It is weaken by those carelessly months...

The pellets, very nutritious, will reboost and give the nutritional supplements it needs so much!

3. This year is disastrous

This year, we welcomed even more abandonned animals than usual. We still did not have received our annual grant, and our budget is in danger.

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Association Bien vivre avec les Chats Sallélois
22 Avenue René Iché
mairie de Sallèles
11590 Sallèles-d'Aude
FR France

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